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/ Loadstar 52 / 052.d81 / easy dos it (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1988-01-01  |  2.3 KB  |  53 lines

  1. 5 ifa=. then 99
  2. 6 print"[147]":poke53280,.:poke53281,.
  3. 7 print"       '[197][193][211][217] [196][207][211][160][201][212]'[154] is now...";
  4. 8 sys 53000 :print
  5. 9 print"[154][210]emember to type [211][217][211]53000 [154]to toggle"
  6. 10 print"[154]between [207][206] and [207][198][198].
  7. 50 [128]
  8. 99 [151]53265,[194](53265)[175]239
  9. 100 [151]53280, 0:[151]53281, 1:[153]"loadreturn";
  10. 101 [153]"stop                                                 waitOusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusr";
  11. 102 [153]"usrusrusrPstop             cont    waitsgnloadstarpresentsthen cont   stop         cont   ";
  12. 103 [153]" waitLandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandsqr cont   stop         cont                           ";
  13. 104 [153]" cont   stop         cont                               stop          cont             ";
  14. 105 [153]"                stop          cont      waitclrOusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrPcont      stop        ";
  15. 106 [153]" cont      waitclrsgneasydositclrthen cont     stop         cont      waitclrsgnprint#tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(";
  16. 107 [153]"tab(tab(tab(clrthen cont     stop         cont      waitclrsgnthen cont     stop       ";
  17. 108 [153]"  cont      waitclrsgncontwrittenbyclrthen cont     stop         cont      waitclrfn";
  18. 109 [153]"then cont     stop         cont      waitclrfncontbuckchildressclrthen cont     stop      ";
  19. 110 [153]"   cont      waitclrLandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandsqr cont     stop         cont                    ";
  20. 111 [153]"      cont     stop         cont              poke   cont              stop         cont     ";
  21. 112 [153]"waitOusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrPcont    stop         cont     waitsgnopencopyright1988then";
  22. 113 [153]" cont   stop         cont     waitLandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandsqr cont   stop         cont      ";
  23. 114 [153]"        stop              cont   stop         cont              poke   cont              ";
  24. 115 [153]"stop         cont   waitOusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrusrPcont  stop         cont   waitsgnpresssp";
  25. 116 [153]"acetocontinuethen cont stop            wait(NULL)andandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandandsqrstop     "
  26. 117 [151]56295,.:[151]2023,32[170]128
  27. 125 [151]53265,[194](53265)[176]16
  28. 130 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]130
  29. 150 :
  30. 151 :
  31. 152 :
  32. 199 [151]53265,[194](53265)[175]239
  33. 200 [151]53280, 0:[151]53281, 0:[153]"load";
  34. 201 [153]"EASYcloseDOSIT"
  35. 202 [153]"print#tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab("
  36. 203 [153]"contOnce'EASYDOSIT'contisinstalled"
  37. 204 [153]"youwillhavetodeactivateit"
  38. 205 [153]"andrebootsysLOADSTARconttoreturn"
  39. 206 [153]"tothemenusystem."
  40. 207 [153]"close"
  41. 208 [153]"print#---"
  42. 209 [153]"contcloseprintDoyouwishtocontinuewith"
  43. 210 [153]"contcloseprintloading'EASYDOSIT'print?"
  44. 211 [153]"contPleaserespondprint#(YcontorNprint#)cont:"
  45. 220 [151]53265,[194](53265)[176]16
  46. 225 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]225
  47. 227 [139]a$[178]"y"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]230
  48. 228 [139]a$[178]"(NULL)"[176]a$[178]"n"[167]300
  49. 230 a[178]1:[147]"easy dos it.o",8,1
  50. 300 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er,er$:[160]15
  51. 301 [139]er[179][177]63 [167] [153]"load":[128]
  52. 302 [147]"hello connect",8,1